Yesterday my mom came to visit for the first time since I moved to NY! I was thrilled, no doubt about it. And the weekend just so happened to coincide with her 40-something birthday (yea, my mom punted me from her womb at the ripe old age of 22). I took several photos of our day filled with overpriced excursions - followed by counter tactics such as scouting for knockoff designer purses on Canal St., then smuggling miniature Heineken kegs in named purses. After taking the photo above I went back to where RedSunRover was waiting. I said, "I took a photo of my mom's first pedicure."
RSR: "When was that?"
Me: "A few seconds ago."
I, on the other hand, have had three pedicures this year. With New York being a culture hub and all, it's easy to feel spoiled... but no worse than Suri Cruise and her designer outfits worth more than my entire closet...
1. Access to some of the best doctors and dentists in the world. My dentist is so personable, he'll follow up the next day even for a regular cleaning. I have the cell numbers for both my dermatologist and dentist on standby.
2. Getting paid $15/hour to babysit or pick up the poo of someone else's dog. (Unspoiled: accidentally wheeling your suitcase through a leaning tower of dog poo and then having to scrape it off with paper scraps).
3. Designer clothing stores within a 15-minute walk. Even better: A lovely McDonalds establishment two blocks away so I can get iced hazelnut coffee any time of the a day.
4. Free classical, bluegrass, jazz music in the subway. And impromptu dance troupes. And percussion instrument sessions involving 10-gallon buckets.
5. Speaking of the subway system, $81 a month for an unlimited subway pass. Rising gas prices don't matta so much in this town.
6. Dropping off my laundry for someone else to wash and fold. I don't mind shelling out 75% of my laundry bag's weight, not one bit.
7. Paying less than the $700/month I was paying to live in a one-bedroom apartment with two other girls. (Believe me, this is a bargain for Manhattan). Thanks, RedSunRover!
8. Easy access to my favorite spa,
Spa Belles, two blocks from work. Overpriced, true. But necessary pampering for a Midwest Mommy who used to run on gravel roads without shoes as a child. (I'm sure she'd be tickled to know I'm letting the world in on this).
9. Living in a city everyone is dying to visit. What better excuse not to spend money on plane tickets to see friends & family? Like I always say, "If you can't get home, get home to come to you."
10. Feeling like a NYC expert when friends visit, even though I'm not.